Wednesday, December 11 Saying my good bye’s in Ibiza

Written by Jack van Ommen on December 11th, 2013

With a heavy hart. I would have liked to stay here longer and get the rest of the stories of so many very interesting people. I’d like to learn more of its historic past. I love the country side and the proximity, anywhere on the island, to the Mediterranean. I am starting to learn more Spanish but my other languages come in well because of the many different tongues of the people who have settled here from elsewhere in Western Europe.

Several of the below pictures are of a 17th century farm house in San Carlos, preserved as a museum.  I rode the bicycle up to San Carlos from the beach and collected another big bag of Boletus/Porcini/Cèpes. That was dinner and leftovers. I stopped later in the afternoon at “Le petit Marché” and met some of the usual crowd. Angeles and Hamid came later. So, I had a chance to say good bye. I will miss these new friends I made here. And as much as I hope to come back again I have to face the reality that at my age the chance becomes more and more unrealistic. And undiscovered territory still beckons.

The one picture with the two Madrileñas  is to proof my earlier blog as “The best dressed shipwreck survivor”.


1 Comments so far ↓

  1. Lucero says:

    Hola Jack,

    Soy Lucero. ¿COmo estas? Espero que hayas disfrutado de la isla y que volvamos a vernos pronto.

    Puedes encontrarme por Facebook para mantener el contacto, soy Lucero Rodriguez que vive en Ibiza y sale en el perfil mi cara con gafas y sombrero.

    Espero que te vayan muy bien los viajes…

    Un gran saludo,
